I wanna life forever
Angels. Happiness. Having something to look forward to. Friends. Him. Having butterflies in the stomach. Music. Shopping. Feel smart. Being a braveheart. Overcome fears. Individual development. Staying up late and chatting. Laughing hysterically. Dancing my heart out. Listening to the rain. Eating ice-cream. Feeling wanted. Compliments. Hugs. Kisses. Knowing someone misses you. Lovely dreams. Giving presents. Talking for hours about absolutely nothing. Being FULL of energy. Seeing the one you love. Good hair days. Watching someone do something stupid and let them think no one saw it. Hear your favourite song on radio. Sleeping in. Watching the sun come up. Seeing a shooting star. Waking up to find the person you love in your arms. Weekends. Holidays. Singing into your hairbrush in your toilet. Bubble baths. Sauna. Turning up your stereo as loud as it will go. Being so happy it makes you cry. Spring. Summer. Finally completing something you started a long time ago. Warm nights. Falling in love.
Don't you just wanna life forever?
Don't you just wanna life forever?